The first presenter was "Francis Walker" the CEO of NIH. He talked about the 30 billion project of decoding the human genome. Th price of getting the code of ones genome has come down to only $1000. The uniqueness of the individuals genetic code and its uses very addressed. Mr Walker plays guitar too.
The second presenter " Diana Nyad" was the first human ever and an unusual women who had swam in the ocean from Florida to Cuba on her fifth attempt at the age of 64.
The third presenter Miss Kitra was talking about the events of the massive brain stem stroke of her father who went into "Locked in syndrome". The streaming was interrupted and on my insistence restored but the presentation was over.
The fifth presenter was Mr Mark Koska on the prevention of HBV infections introduced by the reused dirt syringes. He advised every watcher to tweet about the "Lifesaver" program of one_time use of the syringes only.
The sixth presentation was on Biometrics by Dr Foteni Agrafoiti. Now not only the finger prints but the lip_prints tongue_prints ear_sounds and much more be your biometrics.
The ECG of a person is a biometric too though it needs the machine readings to prove it.
The session was over and I was told by the technician to go home and watch.
Looking at the TEDMED Live Schedule he said well the last session is the repetition of what happened in the morning. ( The two sessions had the same name "Turn it upside Down" but different presenters. Now how could it be the repeat with different people in it????)
The technician said " I am sure you can see it for free on the website of TEDMED if not today may be tomorrow".
I left the cold and crummy basement and head home!!!!!!
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