Near Cuckoo Experience

Near cuckoo experience
In my country the word “cuckoo” is used as a nominal variable. In simple English it is the name of a bird that sings beautifully. Even people nickname their children cuckoo.  I know one who was named cuckoo as a cute young boy.
When I came to USA strangely I found out that word “cuckoo” in slang English means “going nuts” and more so I had a “Near Cuckoo Experience:” on Monday evening.
I was supposed to be tested for a class it was computer based, rather it was via Internet connection to remotely located computer software. It was computer ^Internet^2. This was exponentially computer and Internet dependent.
Unexpectedly I experienced the technical difficulties that went on increasing at the exponential rate in seconds (sounds like the multiplication of deadly virus).
I tried to get the help of my laptop (It is a mac, expensive and spoiled meaning by the one with a mind of its own). Now I was working and trying to go to this remote lab via Internet on the local computer in the class and on my own laptop was trying to connect to the blackboard to access the testing material and the other sites to fetch the data, which I needed to work with.  I was not the only one in the class who was working on two computers at least my nearest neighbor students were doing the same. I did understand the workload on the Internet connectivity, which was surely an exponentially slow function now. 
As if the whole world is waiting for the  internet connection

I was sitting in front of two computers who were fighting bravely for me to queue in and get me where I needed to be on the virtual machines and a small round blue thing on the top left corner of the computer going in circles gave me the reassurance that the computer is still working. I was sitting in front on the computers supporting my head and my face with my two hands as my brain was going in circle too (I should leave the computers alone when they are trying to connect as if I will push more keys they get confused). I did understand the meaning of brain neuronal cells interconnectivity and brain electric currents circuiting and at times short-circuiting.
Thus I almost experience the “Near Cuckoo Experience”.
It is true that CDS (clinical decision support) system only aids the physicians. The staff in ER need not be totally dependent on any internet based support system as it can lead to the “Near Death Experience” for the patients and “Near Cuckoo Experience” for everyone else.

It is said that a person has the right to get frustrated on the undue unexpected, uncertainties of life and art is a valuable and safe way to express these frustrations.
Therefore I made a word cloud of this experience of “at times it happens” and “Idiopathic Near Cuckoo Experience”.
At times it happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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